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Nocte Naga Bible

The Nocte Naga people have never had the complete Bible in their own language/dialect. In 2009 the NT was completed and in 2023 the OT translation was finished. Now, the leadership of the Nocte Baptist Association has asked PRMI to help them print the entire Bible in the Nocte Naga language. There are over 65,000+ native speaking Nocte in the state of Arunachal Pradesh in NE India (with others in neighboring Assam & Myanmar). It is estimated there are 5,700 Nocte believers meaning there are still 50,000+ who need the light of the gospel. Through the India Bible Society, we are seeking to print an initial 2000 Bibles at $5 per copy (10k total). The Nocte believers are ready to distribute the Bibles and evangelize 9+ villages with this first printing. You can donate right here, online, by clicking on the Donate button at the top of the home page--please designate for the Special Projects Fund. Here are some pics of the Nocte Naga villages and a message from Manlem, the mission secretary for the Nocte Naga Baptist Association.


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