On July 12, 2020, Pacific Rim Missions International started its second Asian seminary in the country of Myanmar for the purpose of training Burmese young men for gospel ministry. Myanmar is primarily a Buddhist country with a population of about 55 million and desperately in need of the gospel. Our goal is to train and send out pastors, church planters, and missionaries to reach the unreached. The DTS facility is located in the most populous city of Yangon (10 million) and God has supplied a well-trained Burmese faculty led by President Stephen Hang Kim. DTS presently has 10 students. Pray for stability and peace in Myanmar and that by God's grace we will be able to train these young men adequately so they can courageously proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to Myanmar.
Students participate in online modules which are taught by international professors.
Students and faculty enjoy a Thanksgiving Dinner to end the year.
Students diligently study to learn God's Word and to prepare for ministry.
Left: New classrooms
Above: Evangelistic Outreach